So you really want to learn Latin?

It is over 20 years since I wrote the So you really want to learn Latin course, but one upside of the present dreadful situation is that I have had time to sit down with my YouTube star daughter – who is isolating with us here on the Isle of Wight – and discuss how the course could be put onto YouTube.

Old Mr Luddite here did have a brief foray onto YouTube once, about 10 years ago, but in those days, creating videos seemed to take weeks and weeks. Now it can be done – particularly if you have access to a YouTube star daughter – in an hour or so.

So, we are now busy putting the So you really want to learn Latin course up on YouTube, with some worksheets and practice material, so that those of you stuck at home with a bit of time on your hands can have a laugh at me trying to explain everything while looking at the camera, not fiddling with my papers, and not making silly faces when I lose my train of thought.

I’ve had some very kind feedback about the course over the years since it first came out, so it should be fun.

Wish me luck, and look out for the So you really want to learn Latin channel on YouTube.


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